The Next Big Thing: Survival Farming For Preppers!

Would you like to see a garden that needs no watering, no digging, no fertilizing, no weeding and produces fresh, organic food on auto-pilot, year after year? One that can yield up to 8 times more produce than traditional gardens1, to feed you and your family in times of crisis with some of the healthiesttastiest, most nutritious food you could possibly eat… and it can fit right in your back yard.
This amazing food farm works under some of the most extreme weather conditions, in places such as the Jordanian Desert, South Africa, China, Australia and in every corner of the United States, including Alaska.
Because of the brilliant way in which it is designed, this survival garden is completely hidden in plain sight from nosy neighbors and the hungry looters that will roam the streets post-collapse in search for food. NO ONE will ever figure out that you have an endless supply of food right in your backyard.
In this pocket-sized Paradisefruit treesveggies and medicinal plants all live together in perfect harmony… taking care of each-other... surviving and thriving the way they did for hundreds of thousands of years: without human intervention.
A permaculture garden or farm is truly a slice of Heaven: flowers, veggies, fruit trees, bees, insects, worms, tiny microorganisms, weeds and even backyard animals are all part of this perfect ecosystem that thrives under one condition: that you don’t mess with it.
I’m talking about beans, potatoes, carrots, spinach, squash, berries… and hundreds of other plants and fruit trees… all on auto-pilot, all regenerative.

This special type of garden can feed yourself and your family in times of crisis and is actually healthier than gardening and is perfect for survival purposes. It is called permaculture and it’s method of replicating nature’s way of growing food with little effort in your own back yard.
My two gardening experts and I created the only true survival gardening course on the market, that will ensure you always have a “stockpile”…
This product is digital. The image is for information purposes.
...and it’s like nothing you’ve ever seen before… An A to Z guide on survival gardening that is easy to read and a joy to put into practice, full of photos, diagrams and step by step advice.
Even a kid can do this and, in fact, I encourage you to let the little ones handle it, to teach them not just about self-reliance but also about how Mother Nature works.
Here is just a glimpse of what you’ll find inside:
  • How to plan, design and put into action high-yield survival garden that will literally keep you and your family fed for life, no matter what hits you, even when everyone else around you is starving to death. No digging and planting year after year and no daily watering because you’ll have more important things to worry about when TSHTF.
  • How to set up highly nutritious soil for your plants. Do this before you plant anything and you're on your way to setting your food forest on auto-pilot for decades to come. I'm gonna tell you this one “weird” thing to add to the mulch that's not only highly effective but also 100% free (because you already have it in your home right now).
  • Step-by-step instructions on how to plant over 125 plants inside your permaculture garden. Plus, special instructions on choosing the right ones for your climate. From Arizona to Alaska, you can do this anywhere…
  • How to “marry” your plants. We're going to tell you which grow well together and help each-other survive and thrive, so they don't ever compete for sunlight and nutrients. You get the full table of plants that work well with one another as well as the ones you should NEVER be put together.
  • hotlist of perennials that you don't have to re-plant every year. They just grow and grow, and all you do is harvest them. In some cases they yield food all-year round (like Okinawan spinach, which absolutely thrives in warm climates).
  • How to take care of pests naturally, and without using any pesticides. There are certain plants that act as the food forest’s policemen by repelling “bad” insects. It’s in their best interest too, because if the plants around them die, they die.
  • The “secret” plants that are natural fertilizers, so you never have to spray your soil ever again. These little workers pull minerals from deep down the soil with their long roots then, when they die, the leaves fall next to your other plants and start decomposing. You won't have to spend a dime on fertilizers ever again.
  • Next, we won’t just show you how to grow bees for pollination, but how to attract them using these bee-friendly plants.
  • How to make your own organic fertilizers, because chemicals and fossil-fuel based pesticides are the last things you want to put in your soil.
  • Brace yourself because we’re also going to talk in-depth about each of the animals that are “permaculture friendly”. Most of them are really easy to grow, the get along well with your plants and, best part, they get fed by the farm so you don’t have to remember to do it many times a day.
  • Stuck in the city? Have no fear, because we've bent over backwards to find solutions for you. We're going to let you in on some unique ways to make permaculture work in small spaces, so your food needs are covered if you can’t leave your apartment. We'll share our best kept secrets on indoor gardening, that go beyond vertical stacking on walls and trellises.
  • We can't wrap this up without talking about medicinal plants. In an SHTF situation, access to doctors and meds will be restricted, which is why you'll need to grow these 50+ plants into your garden that alleviate or heal hundreds of diseases and conditions. Plus, we'll show you how to actually use them in an emergency, starting with burns, spider bites, warts and many more. The health benefits from these plants are staggering: from lowering cholesterol to improving eye sight, mobility and reducing stress, there is not a single organ in your body that won’t be improved.
  • and much, much more...

Water Freedom System - Huge New Offer For 2020!

The Water Freedom System Will Completely Change Our World

Hi, my name is Chris Burns,
And today, in this short video I’ll tell you a life-changing story about how I figured out how to easily create an automated supply of the freshest, high-quality clean water you’ve ever tasted for pennies on the dollar…

I’m talking about a simple invention that can be used by any family around the world to make safe, clean and cool drinking water out of thin air…even in the desert.
Over the past year over 11000 people have also already successfully used the very same technique to get over tragic milestones such as hurricanes, snow storms or floods.
Based on technology that’s already in use by the military from countries including Israel, India, the U.K. and the U.S., not only can it give up to 60 gallons of water per day to last through the centuries long drought NASA is predicting it’s right around the corner, but...
It can ameliorate your utility bills all year long...
I’m sure you’re already intrigued and you want to know all about how this system works.
Honestly, it’s like nothing you’ve ever seen and in a few minutes from now you’ll be outraged you’ve put your family s life in the hands of FEMA the Government and the greedy water corporations that make the cards these days…
So you absolutely need to watch this short presentation today, while it’s still up…
I don't know how much longer I'll have this free presentation online, so watch this right now, while you still can...
Before we continue, let me tell you who I am, and how it all started…
As I mentioned before, my name is Chris Burns I’m a 57 year-old farmer and I live near Fresno City with my wife and 2 daughters…

Folks who live here know that water shortages due to droughts in the area are somehow of an issue and we have been fighting them for years…
And we’ve never liked how our officials are handling the situation by introducing laws that force us to cut our usage or by raising the prices for something everybody should afford…
Like having a clean, non-disturbed water supply without restriction…
However, we simply settled thinking “That’s the economy” or “Maybe it’ll be better next year”, month after month struggling not to fall behind on bills.
All that until the spring of 2014, May 16th, Wednesday.
The absolute worst day of my life.
We were entering our third year of drought, a recurring nightmare for those old enough to remember the prolonged dry period of 1987 to 1991 and the disaster of 1976 and 1977, the previous record-setting drought.
But this time it was different.                      
Without help from the heavens, 2014 will be the last year before my family will begin to go bankrupt…
Due to the severe drought I was forced to leave hundreds of acres unplanted because there is simply no water for my crops.

Moreover, The State Water Project announced for the first time in its 54-year history that it would deliver no water and we would have to get by with water from other sources, such as the Colorado River, groundwater and the little left in their reservoirs.
And I was expecting zero allocation from the federal Central Valley Project, which delivers water to farmers through 500 miles of canals.
However, I thought I was electricity, solar hot water and we even had our own well.
Big Mistake.
3 years ago our well totally dried out…
I didn’t really panic because I still had a 600 gallons water stockpile that I saved as an emergency reserve…to last enough for my family while we dig a new well.
A few nights after I submitted our permit application for our new well…I heard some noises coming from my back yard...
I took my gun and hurried outside to see what happened…

Baby Sleep Miracle

                    Should Your Child Sleep In Your Bed?

Co-sleeping is the practice where the child sleeps in bed with his parents. Not surprisingly, it is one of the most hotly debated and controversial topics related to pediatric sleep. Let’s see why.
Some people argue that co-sleeping is the right and natural way to raise a child because the practice fosters a stronger bond and a more secure attachment.
Conversely, others will tell you that co-sleeping is risky, ridiculous, or even dangerous and they don’t want it for their family.
So, which approach holds the truth?
First, it’s important to understand that co-sleeping is not magic. Although some proponents of the family bed would disagree, numerous couples have reported that their babies did not necessarily sleep deeper or longer because their parents were close by. In fact, some parents found that their child slept longer and woke less frequently when they stopped co-sleeping and moved him into his own crib.
However, whether families choose to co-sleep or have their children sleep independently is a personal decision, and if both parents and child are safe, rested, and fulfilled, then co-sleeping is nothing to worry about.
If you decide do co-sleep, this commitment requires some very careful thinking about what you and your spouse feel is right for you as individuals, as a couple, and as a family.

Ask yourselves the following questions:

  • Is it nice to think about enjoying the coziness of sleeping in close proximity, or does one            or more of us tend to stay active during sleeping – potentially disrupting the others?
  • Does everyone in our family want to co-sleep, or are we leaning toward it because one of           us feels strongly?
  • Are we willing to commit to being quiet after our child falls asleep, or do we like to watch TV or talk in bed?
  • Will we enjoy being able to feed our baby more often throughout the night, or will having          him next to us make it tougher to wean nighttime feeds?
  • Are we agreeable to getting into bed when our child does, to ensure his safety?
  • For working parents, does sleeping next to our child allow us to feel more connected to              him?
  •       As expected, co-sleeping has both advantages and disadvantages.
  •       Let’s take a closer look at them.

Constant closeness whenever the child is awake. Many children and parents enjoy this feeling.
Immediate action and support for any sleep-related problem
The ability to nurse and respond to other nighttime wakings without getting up
More time to spend with the child
Possibly better sleep for both the child and the parents, if the child was sleeping poorly to begin with
Parents may sleep poorly if their children are restless sleepers
Parents may end up sleeping in separate rooms, and they may become angry at their child or with each other
Children’s and adults’ sleep cycles do not coincide
Parents may have to go to bed at a very early hour with their children and be left with little time for their own evening activities
Parents have little privacy
There may be a slight increase in the risk to the infant from SIDS and related causes.

The decision to co-sleep should be yours, made by the parent – or parents – and based on your own personal philosophies, not on pressure from your child or anyone else. Another family’s good or bad experience with co-sleeping should not influence your decision: your child is unique and your family is not the same.

You can detox your body and shed 14 pounds in only a few weeks

Ever feel ashamed and frustrated by the weight you've gained because your body no longer works like it used to years ago? And no matter which time-tested techniques you try, you just can't get rid of pounds and pounds of stubborn excess fat?
You are disappointed, ashamed and more alone than you've ever been...feeling absolutely helpless.
That can all change thanks to the discovery of this delicious African tea that detoxes your body, making it possible to burn fat quickly and easily, without feeling hungry.
Now, you need to read this article until the very end, because you are going to discover this revolutionary ancient tea recipe today.
This ancient tea recipe has been passed on generation to generation in Africa. Could drinking this red tea really aid in curbing your appetite and cleaning your body from toxins?
You can't buy this tea blend in the store because it's still mostly a secret.
But don't worry, because you can actually find all the ingredients you need at any grocery store. You might even have them in your house right now. And the tea works like magic. You feel full, satisfied, and energized almost instantly, and your body will actually activate its natural ability to burn fat, a built-in superpower you might not have used in years.
Additionally, absolutely anyone can use it! Regardless of your age, gender, or health.
That's why we are so excited to give you this secret red tea recipe that assists in erasing excess fat in the blink of an eye*.
Maybe your last pregnancy took a toll on you, you are feeling exhausted all the time and were forced to give up the active lifestyle you loved so much.
Maybe your job keeps you tied to a desk and all that excessive stress and mental fatigue affect your relationship with food and exercise.
Or maybe your body simply stopped burning fat the way it used to and you lost control of your weight.
No matter the reason behind your current health status, you are here because you know it is time for a change and you have decided to face the music.
If you've ever gained a lot of extra weight or felt like your body was simply out of control, we know how helpless and hopeless you feel. Thankfully, we know there's a solution that works because hundreds and hundreds of our customers have done it. Plus, it's fast, easy, and it tastes delicious.

Remember, if nothing has worked for you so far, you need to try this ancient red tea recipe! This detox drink is so effective, it will help to control you hunger and shrink fat cells!

Scientifically proven Method To Loos Weight in Few Minutes

                 What is H.I.I.T., the One Minute Weight Loss Routine?

You’re about to discover how with three to five minutes per day, you can achieve the same results as someone who spends hours at the gym lifting weights and doing, long, boring cardio.

How can I be sure?

Because the research you’re about to see in this video reveals a little known but clinically validated secret that’s already helping thousands of p people get in-shape, and stay that way, without “exercising” any longer than 60 seconds at a time, and no more than five minutes per day.
Best of all, it doesn’t matter if you’re a man or woman, how old you are, how many times you’ve tried and failed to get fit, or how long it’s been since you’ve broken a sweat. This secret is 100% guaranteed effective!

How fast does it work?

Well, let me put it this way... will you get six-pack abs overnight? No... course not! But you will see visible results in a matter of days, using only 12% of the effort of a standard workout?
Yes, absolutely. Now, in the next few minutes, I’m going to share with you exactly why this secret works, the dozens of studies that prove it, and how anyone can start using it TODAY to experience a rapid body transformation that will make regular “blood, sweat, and tears” workouts look silly and ridiculous. But before I get into all the nitty-gritty details, it’s important for you to understand...
I’m standing with about two dozen teenagers on my high school track field. We’re about to start our daily 1-mile run. While they stretched and ogled their prospective prom dates, I tugged at my gym clothes and prayed to God this would be the day I didn’t have to stop and walk. Keeping a steady jog would’ve been enough for me to cross the finish line with my head held high. But no matter how much I paced myself, I couldn’t even do that.

You may have heard about High Intensity Interval Training (H.I.I.T.) on the news or in social media. There are commercials also promoting devices that can help you achieve this kind of one minute weight loss routine. The premise of this type of work out is that you don't need to go hard for a full thirty minutes to see results. In fact, you can alternate between short bursts of sprints and then other less intense work-outs. The effectiveness of these workouts lie in the one minute all out mentality. Let's dive a little deeper into H.I.I.T.

 The intense part of the workout is called anaerobic exercise. The point of this minute or so is to cause lactate to form. That's why you have to be all in. You need to go hard enough for this substance to form. But the good news is that it's not 20 minutes or so of this. It's just a couple of seconds to two minutes. It may seem like a long time but you can build up to it. If you are really out of shape, you can aim for the intervals to be shorter. Even fifteen seconds is better than nothing. Going longer than a few minutes will count more for aerobic exercise. This has a different effect on the body.

 During anaerobic exercise, your body will rapidly break down glucose for energy. The consequence of this type of rapid breakdown is the formation of lactic acid. Initially, lactic acid had a bad rap. Coaches were always talking about it in a negative tone. Even the word sounds a little derelict. But the term is not as ominous as it once was previously thought. Of course, when the levels are very high, then it still is not good for the muscles. It still can lead to muscle fatigue, just like your high school coach used to tout. However, formation of lactate is a normal process that occurs any time that you push yourself to the limit.

 The point of H.I.I.T. seems to be that you can burn more calories in a shorter period of time by utilizing the anaerobic state. You go hard alternating your high intensity speed with your lower intensity aerobic exercise until your body is too tired to continue. This usually occurs at thirty minutes. It will of course vary depending on how fit you are. If you cannot go on after 15 minutes, then this is indicative of your fitness level. You can always try to tack in an extra 15 minutes of aerobic exercise at the end to satiate your desire to clock in a certain amount of minutes. Adding an additional fifteen to twenty minutes at the end of this is better than just stopping at 15 minutes for beginners.

 So we've said a lot about the actual process, but you still might be wondering about the benefits. A H.I.I.T. workout will give you better glucose metabolism. Basically, glucose is what all carbohydrates ultimately break down into. This type of workout will also make you stronger and improve your athleticism. It will also lead to an improved break down of fat. This is the dreaded substance in our body that we all want to get rid of. We all know that it's bad for us to have too much fat and it just makes us look like a fluffier version of ourselves. Also, couple in the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, and we should all want to get rid of fat.

 You might ask yourself- if H.I.I.T. is so great, why isn't everyone doing it? One of the main reasons that more people don't do this is because researchers admit that it is hard. Not everyone can push themselves to this point. You have to be motivated as there's no carrot dangling in front of you to bring you to the point of no return. If you do this type of exercise, then make sure you warm up and cool down. Your off period exercise should be at about 50% as well. With all this said, H.I.I.T. is a wonderful way to use science to help you shed pounds and even save time while doing it.

 If you would like to check out the one minute weight loss system for yourself,     just click the link below!


Generates Energy-On-Demand

Revealed At Last: Ancient Invention Generates Energy-On-Demand

My name is Steven Perkins,
And in this short and controversial video...I will reveal the disturbing truth about one of the world’s most brilliant inventors of all history...
...and the shocking evidence that this Man of Mystery DID father a child...his last apprentice…that knew all his secrets…and secretly continued his work…
I will reveal for the first time the video demonstration of how this young man managed to crack the code and ultimately MASTER his father’s invention…a device that can help you slash your electric bill almost overnight...
I don't know how much longer I'll have this free presentation online...
So, if you stick around until the end of this short presentation…
I will reveal how you, like the other 37,311 people, with the aid of a very simple device...
Can Save Up To 67% Or More On Your Power Bill Every Month...
...and can pay as less as $20 instead of $100...or $50...instead of $250 on your monthly electricity bills...for the rest of your life.
Before revealing you what this is all about...allow me a few moments to tell you the story behind this incredible discovery…and how it all started…
You probably heard of history’s biggest electrical GENIUS...his inventions and his life’s work…
Beyond a doubt he was the greatest mind of the 20th century…even greater than Albert Einstein…
Your way of life today, the technology you take for granted, is all possible because of this one incredible man from Europe.
What you might not realize is that coming up with all these amazing inventions that changed the world...came with a price…
He sacrificed his private life to provide the entire world with freedom
He was never known to have had a child, marry or have relations…
And worst of all he died unhappy, lonely and poor…
Or So The Story Goes…
Honestly, what I'm about to reveal to you today will totally SHOCK you...and in a few minutes from now you’ll be FURIOUS that you ever gave a single thin-dime to those corporate fat-cats.
Recent leaked evidence reveals that the super-genius DID have a son…
…A brilliant engineer who secretly worked side-by-side with him until his death in 1943…

Arthur Matthews was born in England and his alleged father was the laboratory assistant of the noted physicist Lord Kelvin back in the 1890s…
The notorious inventor once came over to England to meet Kelvin and convince him that Alternating Current was more efficient than Direct Current…and on this visit he also met Mr. Matthews…father and son…
Arthur Mathews was at that time…just a boy…yet the remarkable scientist somehow took such an interest in this boy…that when he was just 16 he took him as his apprentice and thought him everything he knew about electrical engineering.
Mathews was the LAST MAN who worked hand-in-hand with “the mad scientist”…and in return for his unconditional loyalty…
The Young Apprentice Got To Discover All Of The Super-Genius’ Secrets.
The Ultimate Energizer Guide was born.

And when you’ll have the Ultimate Energizer installed in your home you’ll instantly be able to:
  • get instant savings of 50%67% or more...without spending months in trying to build solar panels, wind turbines...and paying thousands of dollars.
  • …you'll enjoy even greater savings once you discover the three essential tweaks you can make in less than 20 minutes...that will maximize your power output by almost 200%.
  •'ll be able to power up ANY kind of household appliances - from lamps and toasters, to electricity hogs like refrigerators and AC units.
  •’ll feel the peace of mind that comes from knowing that, should anything happen... from a mere broken power line, to a nationwide blackout...or worse...your family won't be at the mercy of others!
What's more...because the Ultimate Energizer is very light and portable, it makes for one of the best "emergency" generators you could ever hope for…
Unlike solar panels, it won't get blown off the roof by strong winds and hurricanes.
And unlike conventional "portable" generators, there are no fumes... and you don't have to spend hundreds of dollars on fuel…
In fact, there's very little to spend at all.
Except from a simple maintenance check every few months, the generator is basically "Set And Forget"
And because the low-friction design makes it so silent, you won't even hear it running!
So you can install it in your basement or in your backyard…and not worry about weather conditions for one second…
And even if the SHTF you’ll still be able to have enough electricity for cooking and preserving your food...while others will beg for a leaf of rotten bread.
More and more people are discovering the joyfulness and peace that comes with Off-Grid Electricity.

Ways to Improve Your Soccer Skills

All-American Soccer Player Reveals...

The #1 Way to Skyrocket Your Soccer Skills


He’s already helped thousands of other soccer players around the world
now he wants to help YOU!

(And he’s throwing in an extra special gift, to get you started right.)

Let This All-American, Former Pro Soccer Player Show YOU Exactly How to Drastically Improve 

Your Touch, Shooting, Dribbling, Moves, and Gain Masterful Soccer Skills

How would you like to join the THOUSANDS of other soccer players around the world who are now striking the ball with more power, faking out defenders with ease, dribbling with great precision … and playing with more amazing soccer skills than they ever thought possible?

I wasn’t always the best soccer player, I rode the bench for years even though I was on my school team, club teams, and went to practice all the time.
So I understand every frustration of not being the player you want to be, not getting the playing time you want, and not having the skills you need to be a great player.
But, I was able to overcome all of this and literally transform my soccer playing ability…
Who Am I and Why Should You Listen to Me?
Here is a little about me as a soccer player:
·         3 time all-state soccer player in the state of Florida
·         Florida soccer player of the year
·         High school All-American
·         Collegiate All-American
·         Former Professional Soccer player
More importantly I used to be just like you.  My dream was to become a professional soccer player and be the best player on the field but I didn’t know how to actually improve my soccer skills and I was always just an average soccer player.
I went to practices all the time, joined a club team, and played year round and practiced as hard as I could.
But I never got any better than the other players on my team.
Eventually I realized that there must be a way that these great soccer players were improving their soccer skills that I wasn’t being taught by my soccer coaches.  I started studying, researching, and talking to some of the best players and coaches in the country.
How is this training different?
The soccer training methods I was teaching actually helped several other players reach All-American status and a couple others received honorable mentions.  And it was all after they had gone through my training program.
The thing I realized about training after watching the pros and working with high level coaches was that traditional soccer practices were NOT the correct way to become a great player.
Traditional soccer practices are meant for “team building” much more than developing your own skills.
So I developed a training method designed specifically for skyrocketing a player’s individual skills.  Here’s what I did:

·         First, I created training sessions that simulated game speed and conditions so that the skills you practice are easy to apply when it is game time.
·         Next, I developed highly effective drills that are specifically designed to quickly improve individual soccer skills such as ball control, touch, dribbling skills, passing skills, shooting power and precision, and even soccer I.Q.
·         And finally, I made sure that every player that went through my program would be the most skilled player on the field…every time…by teaching a plethora of advanced soccer moves that are guaranteed to keep the defender guessing and on their heels.

It’s all about “Dynamic Touches”

Here’s a quick question for you:  What was the soccer skill that Wayne Rooney said was THE most important part of being a great player?
Answer: He said, “touch”, was the key aspect of being a great player and even more specifically your “first touch”.
The Epic Soccer Training system actually uses drills and exercises that are designed to drastically improve your touch.  And while a lot of soccer drills teach you slow movements, I found that “dynamic touches” where you are moving at a fast pace is much more effective in developing your skills.
You can actually get thousands of more effective touches in just a fraction of the time with this training program.
So you get better…faster!