Generates Energy-On-Demand

Revealed At Last: Ancient Invention Generates Energy-On-Demand

My name is Steven Perkins,
And in this short and controversial video...I will reveal the disturbing truth about one of the world’s most brilliant inventors of all history...
...and the shocking evidence that this Man of Mystery DID father a child...his last apprentice…that knew all his secrets…and secretly continued his work…
I will reveal for the first time the video demonstration of how this young man managed to crack the code and ultimately MASTER his father’s invention…a device that can help you slash your electric bill almost overnight...
I don't know how much longer I'll have this free presentation online...
So, if you stick around until the end of this short presentation…
I will reveal how you, like the other 37,311 people, with the aid of a very simple device...
Can Save Up To 67% Or More On Your Power Bill Every Month...
...and can pay as less as $20 instead of $100...or $50...instead of $250 on your monthly electricity bills...for the rest of your life.
Before revealing you what this is all about...allow me a few moments to tell you the story behind this incredible discovery…and how it all started…
You probably heard of history’s biggest electrical GENIUS...his inventions and his life’s work…
Beyond a doubt he was the greatest mind of the 20th century…even greater than Albert Einstein…
Your way of life today, the technology you take for granted, is all possible because of this one incredible man from Europe.
What you might not realize is that coming up with all these amazing inventions that changed the world...came with a price…
He sacrificed his private life to provide the entire world with freedom
He was never known to have had a child, marry or have relations…
And worst of all he died unhappy, lonely and poor…
Or So The Story Goes…
Honestly, what I'm about to reveal to you today will totally SHOCK you...and in a few minutes from now you’ll be FURIOUS that you ever gave a single thin-dime to those corporate fat-cats.
Recent leaked evidence reveals that the super-genius DID have a son…
…A brilliant engineer who secretly worked side-by-side with him until his death in 1943…

Arthur Matthews was born in England and his alleged father was the laboratory assistant of the noted physicist Lord Kelvin back in the 1890s…
The notorious inventor once came over to England to meet Kelvin and convince him that Alternating Current was more efficient than Direct Current…and on this visit he also met Mr. Matthews…father and son…
Arthur Mathews was at that time…just a boy…yet the remarkable scientist somehow took such an interest in this boy…that when he was just 16 he took him as his apprentice and thought him everything he knew about electrical engineering.
Mathews was the LAST MAN who worked hand-in-hand with “the mad scientist”…and in return for his unconditional loyalty…
The Young Apprentice Got To Discover All Of The Super-Genius’ Secrets.
The Ultimate Energizer Guide was born.

And when you’ll have the Ultimate Energizer installed in your home you’ll instantly be able to:
  • get instant savings of 50%67% or more...without spending months in trying to build solar panels, wind turbines...and paying thousands of dollars.
  • …you'll enjoy even greater savings once you discover the three essential tweaks you can make in less than 20 minutes...that will maximize your power output by almost 200%.
  •'ll be able to power up ANY kind of household appliances - from lamps and toasters, to electricity hogs like refrigerators and AC units.
  •’ll feel the peace of mind that comes from knowing that, should anything happen... from a mere broken power line, to a nationwide blackout...or worse...your family won't be at the mercy of others!
What's more...because the Ultimate Energizer is very light and portable, it makes for one of the best "emergency" generators you could ever hope for…
Unlike solar panels, it won't get blown off the roof by strong winds and hurricanes.
And unlike conventional "portable" generators, there are no fumes... and you don't have to spend hundreds of dollars on fuel…
In fact, there's very little to spend at all.
Except from a simple maintenance check every few months, the generator is basically "Set And Forget"
And because the low-friction design makes it so silent, you won't even hear it running!
So you can install it in your basement or in your backyard…and not worry about weather conditions for one second…
And even if the SHTF you’ll still be able to have enough electricity for cooking and preserving your food...while others will beg for a leaf of rotten bread.
More and more people are discovering the joyfulness and peace that comes with Off-Grid Electricity.

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